Allergi,Kanker/tumor, Diabetes 1 dan 2, Jantung, Darah tinggi, Kulit, Buah pinggang, Asthma, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, lupus/SLE, Demam/flu, Asam urat, TBC, Sinusitis, Nyeri badan/otot, Infeksi liver, Arthritis, Step, Denggi (DBD), Vertigo, Autism, HIV, Migraine, Herpes, Campak, Maag, Batuk, Hepatitis, Infeksi Virus, Flu burung, HFMD/SARS, Multiple Sclerosis, Parasitic diseases, Mycrobacterial diseases, jamuran, Malignant diseases, Neurological diseases, Bacterial diseases, Bronchitis, Kegemukan/Obesity, Infeksi mata/rabun, Infeksi usus, infeksi paru-paru, yeast, condyloma, arthritis, colds, sore throats, menopausal symptoms, fibrid tumors, abnormal uterine bleeding, fibromyalgia, CFS dan, banyak lainnya.
Kajian Ilmiah Thn 1992 - 1999
Hasil Uji Dipublikasikan Dalam Journal of American Nutraceutical Association ( JANA) :
12 Produk Terbaik :
- MA adv plus TM .......................................................437 %
- MA adv TM .................................................................283 %
- IP- 6 ............................................................................. 49 %
- PLANT POLYSACCHARIDES .............................. 48 %
- ECHINACEA ............................................................. 43 %
- SHITAKE MUSHROOM .......................................... 42 %
- CORDYCEPS FORMULA ...................................... 28 %
- BOVINE COLOSTRUM/ IgG .................................. 23 %
- PHYTONUTRIENT FORMULA ............................. 21 %
- ENDOCRINE FORMULA ....................................... 16 %
- ALOE VERA ( Acemannan ) ................................. 15 %
- NONI (Morinda Citrifolia) ....................................... 15 %
Sumber : Jeunesse Inc.- Institut of Longevity Medicine, California, USA.
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