Minggu, 15 November 2009


Bruce Miller's Better Health Series :
Dr. Bruce Miller's adalah lulusan Universitas New York bidang Clinical, penelitian nutrisi yang berfokus pada problem-problem nutrisi pada orang usia lanjut. Dia adalah anggota dari "The Linus Pauling Institute of Science Medicine"., anggota dari Dr. Kenneth Cooper's Aerobics Center, anggota dari the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, International College of Applied Nutrition, founder of the Diet Analysis Center, dan seorang konsultan The American Running and Fitness Association. Beliau juga adalah seorang spesialis Nutrisi bersertifikat dan anggota dari The American College of Nutrition.  Terakhir, Dr. Miller adalah Direktur Research for the American Academy of Nutrition.

  1. The only thing that stands between you and something as simple as a common cold or as serious as cancer or a viral infecdtion like SARS is a STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM
  2. when invaders, be it bacteria, a virus, a fungi or a protozoa move in to attack your body, they run head on into the most " unbelieveable, lethal, killing force ever created- your IMMUNE SYSTEM" 
  3. If your immune system is strong it can defeat the invaders.

Contoh I. :
An example is the disease AIDS. In this life threatening disease, a virus infects and destroys a subset of cells in the immune system itself. The cells destroyed are those primarily responsible for the immune response.

Contoh II :
Immune devastation occured in 1986 during the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster. High levels of radiation destroyed the immune system of exposed workers. As a result, they died of infections that normally are mild and self-limiting

Contoh III :
Merupakan kontrol terkini yaitu tentang virus SARS. The death rate on people infected by the virus which causes severe pneumonia is high amongst the young, the erderly, and others with compromised immune systems. This includes those with stress, poor diets and pre-existing medical conditions like heart and liver disease. In these people the bodie's immune system is already weakened and it is slow to marshal the defences of the body to fight against the aggresive SARS virus. When the immune system is in optimal health, the body has all the ammunition it needs to defend itself against any viral or bacterial attack. This can only happen if we take an effort to build a strong healthy immune system which this book is all about.

In short, every disease be it major or minor eventually becomes a disease that reflects the defeat of the immune system. From recognition to early warning to full scale battle, the immune system is our main barrier to any disease. Your recovery from a contogious and deadly disease like SARS will depend on the strength of your immune system.

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